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Monday, January 15, 2007

A Primeval Martin Luther King Jr. day

To celebrate this Martin Luther King Jr. day, apart from having my traditional MLK meal of a bucket of fried chicken, water melon, and a 40-ounce bottle of Colt 45, I thought I would take in a movie, preferably one that had something to do about Africa. It was slim pickings because Blood Diamond wasn’t playing in any theater, so I had to settle for a movie called Primeval. I didn’t know anything about the movie apart from what was advertised: that it was a movie about the most prolific serial killer in history, and that it was a horror flick. Normally I don’t see horror movies, but since this was MLK day and the movie was set in Africa I though, why not?

Boy, was I in for a surprise, it turned out to be the best $5.75 I’ve spent on a Sunday matinee in 2007. Not only did we actually get to see the killer (most horror movies like to hide the villain), but we got to see some exciting special effects. I was equally glad to see that Jürgen Prochnow had a leading role playing the part of the “great white hunter.” I’m glad that his career really took off after Das Boot. He had one of the best lines in the movie too, “you don’t look stupid so you must be insane.”

Brooke Langton did an excellent job being eye candy, Dominic Purcell was a great leading role, and Orlando Jones couldn’t have been a better “token black guy.” However, the main attraction, the killer, a gigantic crocodile should win an Oscar for his performance. Perhaps even more surprising is the fact that this movie is based on a true legend. Gustave the killer croc is a real killer! I shit you not. For more information you can check out the following websites. I also recommend you see this movie if you’ve got minutes to waste and you enjoy all your movies about Africa to be stereotypical.

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