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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Business as usual for Bush

President Bush is pushing ahead with his troop build-up and sadly there isn't much Congress can do about it. Sure, there has been a lot of talk about the power of the purse and things of that nature, but the fact remains that Congress can't stop President Bush from sending troops over there. And once over there it is doubtful that Congress will cut any funds that will restrict the movement or mission of the troops deployed. The only course that Congress can do to stop the president is to impeach him, which will probably never happen.

In a 60 Minutes interview on Sunday, President Bush stated that the "Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." I wonder if that is the same gratitude that the French today are suppose to have for our liberation of their country?

The president continued to ramble on about how the administration has always been "straight" with Americans. Perhaps so straight that they can't even tell the military families when their loved ones are coming home?!

Not to be outdone by himself, the president is also contemplating a Nixon strategy:

Or that's when you invade a "Cambodia" (Iran) so that you can retreated with honor from a "Vietnam" (Iraq).

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