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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Back to the firehouse

Apparently firefighters in New York are no longer allowed to have pictures of their lived ones, display American flags, or have stickers supporting the troops serving overseas because "No city agency should permit the work place to display inappropriate stuff," according to Mylan Denerstein, the FDNY's deputy commissioner for legal affairs.

I'm sorry, since when is the American flag inappropriate; and what is the reason for this fascist crackdown? Well a few weeks ago somebody scribbled a sexually offensive message in a firehouse degrading women or something like that, and now freedom of speech must be curtailed in order to prevent such future occurrences. That's like banning bananas when people were eating apples. But I don't expect much from a city that banned trans fat, smoking, and other activites that are deemed "inappropriate." Afterall, adults can't make decisions by themselves and need to be treated like children.


High Priestess Kang said...

Call the ACLU! Srsly.

When is it wrong to hang the American flag? In America??????

*shakes head*

Shark99 said...

It's probably all right to have a flag of Mexico because that is part of your "cultural heritage."

High Priestess Kang said...

I fly a Swedish flag.